The Stimulus Bill and Families of Children with Special Needs

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New Jersey’s residents with special needs will benefit from the new $787 billion stimulus plan, signed by President Obama on February 17th.

New Jersey expects to receive $2.2 billion for its Medicaid program – a program that has been severely stressed as the economy has faltered. According to the Department of Health and Senior Services, Medicaid provides health care to over 1 million people in New Jersey and counting. The first $362 million slated for Medicaid will be paid to New Jersey right away. The rest of the money is expected to flow into New Jersey over the next two years.

Special education in New Jersey is also receiving help from the stimulus package – to the tune of approximately $360 million. Federal support nationwide for special education will grow by $12 billion over a two year period.

Details of how this money will be used is still forthcoming. Governor Corzine recently announced that two members of his administration, Chief of Staff Ed McBride and Comptroller Matt Boxer, will oversee the distribution of this money.

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