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Bergen County’s United Way is Accepting Applications for its Very Special Homes© Community in Tenafly, New Jersey

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We are pleased to share this memo from Bergen County’s United Way who is now accepting applications for its Very Special Homes© community in Tenafly.

“With the support of the Tenafly community and in partnership with the Madeline Corporation, a non-profit affordable housing developer, BCUW is building six units of special needs housing for individuals with developmental disabilities such as Down’s syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities.  The one and two-bedroom units are designed for highly independent individuals who are capable of living on their own with some supports.  We expect to complete construction in the fall and welcome the tenants by Thanksgiving.”

Please find the application package for your convenience below.

UW Tenafly Cover Letter Final

UW Tenafly VSH-Application(2015)_FORM-1

UW Tenafly VSH-Checklist(2015)_FORM-1

UW Tenafly VSH-Disability Certification(2015)_FORM-1

UW Tenafly VSH-ReleaseofInfo(2015)_FORM-1

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