A Letter of Intent Should be Prepared by Every Parent of a Child with Special Needs
A letter of intent provides the caregivers of a child with special needs a roadmap for taking care of that child. A letter of intent gives the parent a forum to communicate his or her wishes and concerns regarding a child as well as to set forth important information that will ease the transition of that child’s care to other family members at a parent’s death.
A letter of intent lists vital contact information such as the names and addresses of doctors, specialists and other caregivers. As importantly, a letter of intent also allows the parent to elaborate on the likes and dislikes of a child, such as food preferences, and daily schedules, such as bedtime routines. A letter of intent is helpful both to caregivers of a child and the trustees of a special needs trust.
A letter of intent is not a legal document – instead, it is a document prepared by a parent describing in detail any information that a parent feels is important for a potential caregiver to know about his or her child. Parents should update their letter of intent at least every year to make sure that all information is current and relevant.
Please contact us if you would like us to provide you with a sample letter of intent to get started.
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