Our Practices

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We guide clients through the often-complex environmental permitting and regulatory compliance schemes governing the ownership and operation of commercial, industrial, and mixed-use properties throughout the country.


An intricate web

Our team possesses a thorough understanding of the environmental permitting and regulatory compliance schemes that govern properties throughout the country and can help to ease the minds of property owners and operators.

We serve as a guide for our clients, offering pragmatic solutions to regulatory requirements surrounding commercial, industrial, and mixed-use properties. We think critically, plan several steps ahead and collaborate with regulatory agencies to arm our clients to effectively manage compliance with laws that regulate air, water, solid and hazardous waste, and land use.


Our reach Across Industries

Our department’s extensive knowledge base allows us to understand regulated operational processes in manufacturing, energy, petrochemical, specialty chemicals and other industries, as well as commercial real estate development and emerging markets such as cannabis cultivation. We work collaboratively with our clients to assemble the right team of environmental consultants, engineers, and other professionals to develop and implement operational compliance and permitting strategies, and meet reporting obligations for a range of federal, state and local environmental laws.

We work collaboratively with our clients to assemble the right team of environmental consultants, engineers, and other professionals to help inform, develop and implement compliance, permitting and reporting strategies for a range of federal, state and local environmental laws.


Even the best-laid plans…

We are experienced in defending administrative enforcement actions and notices of violations with the end goal of minimizing operational disruptions and costs. We work diligently to provide a strong defense, which includes finding creative resolutions that comply with the regulatory scheme while also aligning with our client’s objectives.

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