Gary Sorden Recognized as Texas Lawyer 2020 Trailblazer

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Cole Schotz P.C. is pleased to announce that Gary Sorden, a member of the firm’s Intellectual Property Department, has been named a 2020 Texas Trailblazer by Texas Lawyer.

The Texas Trailblazers distinction is given to attorneys who have made significant marks on the practice, policy and technological advancement of their practice areas, including those individuals who have helped to roll out a new program or new practice group. The list aims to highlight those who are innovators and thought leaders in their respective areas of practice.

Mr. Sorden was recognized for his representation of DynaStudy, Inc. in a copyright infringement lawsuit against a school district for infringing on the company’s copyrights and for violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. By taking an innovative approach to billing and developing a hybrid risk-sharing model, it allowed DynaStudy, a small educational publisher, to pursue its substantial copyright infringement claims that it may not have been able to under a normal fee arrangement. After more than three years of litigation, Sorden and his team secured a favorable verdict that has ranked in the top 25 overall 2019 Texas verdicts, and one of the largest 2019 copyright verdicts nationally.

The Texas Trailblazers list was included as part of the October 2020 issue. The profile of Mr. Sorden may be viewed on Page 21 of the digital edition here.

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